EPPO Database on PPP Data Extrapolation


The database provides detailed lists of acceptable extrapolations, for regulatory authorities and applicants, in the context of the registration of plant protection products for minor uses. The database should be used in conjunction with the EPPO Standard PP 1/257 Efficacy and crop safety extrapolations for minor uses (link: https://pp1.eppo.int/standards/PP1-257-2). All extrapolations should be viewed on a case-by-case basis and it is important to ensure that expert judgment and regulatory experience are employed when using the database. EPPO is not liable for the information provided in the database.

The scope for extrapolation may be extended as data and experience with a certain plant protection product increase. The applicant should always provide appropriate justification and information to support the proposed extrapolation. For example, comparability of target biology may be a relevant factor, either in extrapolating to other target species or for the same target to another crop. For crops, factors such as comparable growth habit, structure etc. should be considered.

The extrapolation lines in the database, unless explicitly mentioned, are intended to cover both protected and outdoor situations. In the case of extrapolation regarding protected and outdoor situations, please note that where crops may be grown in both protected and field situations, and where significant differences are expected in pest relevance or crop agronomy between indoor and outdoor situations, it is important to generate a proportion of the data on crops grown in both situations to ensure the product has been tested under a suitable range of typical and challenging conditions.

How to cite the Database?

EPPO (2024) EPPO Database on PPP Data Extrapolation. https://extrapolation.eppo.int/ [accessed date]